Our family of 5

Our family of 5

Friday, February 18, 2011

Family Fun Fridays: Cinderdog and my beautiful baby sister

Isn't she lovely?  Due in 4 weeks......with her first baby.........a GIRL!!
     We have had some fun family times this week, even with Kurtis working some extended hours for tax season.  The kids never cease to come up with creative ways to fill their time and we have also been enjoying some of the unseasonably warmer weather this week.
     My sister, Becky, and her husband , Levi, came to visit on Valentine's Day.....well I guess evening :).  It was really fun to see her so close to her due date and we are really excited to meet her little baby girl.  She looks amazing!!  The kids had some fun playing with Uncle Levi and we enjoyed a dinner of homeade spaghetti and meatballs, salad, and bread, followed by the killer brownies (featured in last Monday's post).  Whenever we get togther with our family members, it always makes me wish we lived closer to each other.   I wish my other sister, Adria, could've been with us too.   My sisters are the best!!
Our Valentine's Day meal together....homeade spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread, beans, and killer brownies.

      Kurtis has been working more hours lately due to it being tax season :)  The kids miss him a lot, but it is very fun to see their responses when he gets home from work.  He sat down for a minute in the toy room and was immediately tackled by all three of them.   I am so thankful for the relationship they have together and I love to see their faces light up when they spend time with him.  He does an amazing job of balancing all of his responsibilities and still spending time with the children and for that, I am grateful. 

The kids are so happy to have Daddy home from work.  They literally all ran to him and piled on him at the same time...I love it!!
           Below is a picture of some of the creative things the kids have been doing lately.  K-lady and W-man love to play dress up, but they took it a little too far this time.   They decided to dress up their dog, Mollie as Cinderella.  We decided to call her "Cinderdog."  She was less than happy with us that day. 

Cinderdog......A.K.A. Mollie.

She is pretty mad in this picture.

K lady and Mommy unwrapping caramels together for the killer brownies.
      Kate and I have really enjoyed baking together lately, although sometimes I think she would rather just have me sit down a play a board game with her.  :)  I have tried to do both things, because I love to bake, but I know my kids just want me to spend quality time with them too.  We have had some fun learning to play Monopoly and Sequence together.  In this picture, we were unwrapping 60 caramels to go into the killer brownie recipe.  I am thankful for the joy that Kate brings to our family.  She has such a good attitude about things and she helps me stay positive too. (except for when she is eating black bean tacos)..hahaha :)
     This posting has been filled with somewhat random events, but it is just a sampling of our family life from this past week.  I will look forward to being able to share a good story soon......there is always something funny or crazy happening in our home. :)  Have a great weekend,everyone!


  1. I LOVE the pick of Kate & Mollie!! Classic!! You made me miss my sister in the first part of the post, though. :-)

  2. I love that you are embracing life every day to the fullest! God gave you three beautiful treasures to raise. Keep up the good work and take one day at a time. It is a joy to experience your life with them!

  3. Mom!!! Thanks for coming this weekend!!! We had so much fun with you and the kids were so blessed by your "surprise" visit!!
