Our family of 5

Our family of 5

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesdays in the Word: The role of man

      This week, I am studying the role of a man, from Kay Arthur's precept In and Out study, " A Marriage Without Regrets". I think it is going to be difficult for me to actually write this blog post today because I am obviously not a man. However, I am married to a man, and am "one flesh" with that man, so I have some biblical reponsibilities to support him in the great role and responsibility that he has. I am going to discuss my perspective on the role of a man woman, and more specifically how I can support him in his role.
     I have been studying several stories from the Old Testament this week, specifically the account of "The Fall in The Garden" from Genesis 3 and also Abraham and Sarah's relationship throughout several places in Genesis. I had never thought of the parallel between the two events before: Eve telling Adam to eat the apple and Sarah telling Abraham to sleep with Hagar, her servant. In both instances, the wife was giving advice to her husband (in a somewhat controlling way) and the husband followed the wife's advice instead of submitting first to the Lord. There is also an example that seems to contradict the other examples from Genesis 21:8-13, where the Lord actually tells Abraham to follow Sarah's advice.   I think the point is not that men shouldn't follow the advice and or words of their wives........but their first priority is to be in line with the will and ways of God.  
      The roles of men and women have been revealed to me in greater depth through this week's study. The husband has a huge responsibility placed on him of first and foremost submitting to the Lord in all things, as well as the other roles of providing for his family, nurturing, caring, and providing unconditional love to his wife. The believing husband's relationship to his wife is designed to reflect Christ's relationship with the church. We haven't even discussed the role of man as a father yet, but that will add another important layer of responsibility to the man.
      With all this in mind, what does it mean for me? I think the answer lies in something I wrote in my blog last week. Submission was the topic I covered last week and I gave a list of what that looks like from a biblical perspective. In order to fully support my husband in the huge role that God has given him, I need to keep on submitting with a quiet and gentle spirit (which believe it or not, does not come naturally to me), an attitude of respect, and not trying to control things. I need to continually seek to serve my husband and find favor with the Lord in this way. This can't be done on my own though.....only though the power of the Holy Spirit in my inner being (Eph. 3:16)
     It's not about my feelings or happiness and bliss in our marriage. I do believe when we are living in a marriage the way God designed for it to work, we will experience blessings and happy times. But I also feel like this is going to take work and a constant submitting of myself and my selfishness to my Father in heaven as well as to my husband. I am looking forward to digging in deeper in the coming weeks and finding out some specific applications and things that the Lord can change in my heart and in my life. 
     I am so thankful beyond words for the gospel, which is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes (Rom 1:16).  I am thankful that God loves me and did the work of salvation for me......not anything I could've done on my own.  I am thankful that in him we have, "redemption throuh his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with he riches of God's grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding." (Eph 1:7-8)  I am saved by grace, but out of love for God, I desire to have a marriage that models Him and finds His favor.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your heart, Sarah. Amazing how much God uses our marriage as a mirror for our relationship with Christ.
