Our family of 5

Our family of 5

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

School Adventure Tuesdays: School in our pajamas?

        "Do you get to do school in your pajamas?"  "I could never have the patience for doing school with my kids."  "I don't have a teaching degree" "I have been waiting for 5 years to get a break...how do you do it?" "My child and I are too much alike..........that would never work." These are just a sampling of some of the phrases I have heard in the last couple of years as we started figuring out what it would look like to do school in our home.  I can't say I haven't ever asked or said one of those phrases to myself, but I can say the Lord is supplying our family with the tools, patience, and stamina to do school at home.  I never imagined that I would be excited to go to homeschool conventions, or do to science experiments and math work with my 5 year old, but it is happening so I think I will share about it with others :)  I hope I can encourage someone who is on the fence of school decisions, just like I was a couple of years ago.  The following pictures were posted to encourage anyone that they can do homeschooling if that is what they choose for their family.  I personally think there are many good options for schooling, but this is just what we have chosen.
         A big lesson I have already learned is that I CAN'T DO THIS ON MY OWN.  I have to completely fix my eyes on Jesus each and every day through prayer, dependence on the Lord, and being in His Word on a regular basis.  Everytime I try to do "school"  in my own strength, I always fail and end up causing everyone in the family to feel miserable and frustrated.  When I allow God to show me His agenda for our family, instead of creating my own, we get much more enjoyment out of learning and growing together.  I am a task oriented type of person, so this is a struggle at times.  The Lord is patiently teaching me how to balance our school days and teach our children through the power of His Spirit within me. 
         There are many other lessons I am learning as we walk this journey, but for now I will share the pictures of our humble schoolroom.   We just use our dining room which is right off of the kitchen for the majority of our school time.  We also love to cuddle up together on the couch for our reading times  and history lessons together.  Sometimes when it is nice outside, we can even sit on our back porch.  Studying Science outdoors is wonderful too, but not as of lately. :)

The main school storage area....a repurposed dining room hutch:) An endless and accessible supply of markers, colored pencils, crayons, paper scissors, stickers, glue, etc. has been very helpful.

A sampling of our "timeline cards" from history. Makeshift string for now, but hope to make it better in the future:)
Bumblebee Kate. :)  We were working on some grammar, which can be a little boring at times.  We tried to get a little creative as we were disussing verbs yesterday.  We talked about animals and action words that accompany them.

Kate's narration of "Strangers and Saints in Plymouth" from The Story of the World., by Susan Wise Bauer.  I read her this story and then she  wrote this narration after she drew the picture.  She LOVES learning about history, and so do I. :)  Generally her copywork for handwriting is neater than this, but I was trying to just allow her to get her words out with writing for this paper.  She is really starting to enjoy writing, but I could use some ideas on how teach creative writing.

Some of our favorite books we use on a regular basis.
            I have so much to learn and we are really just beginning this journey.  I am thankful for the opportunity to train my kids at home and be involved with them while they are young.  There are days when I just want a break, or to talk to some adults, or to go join the gym and have time to work out all by myself, etc..................but I remind myself that I can't get back these days with my young children.  I look at my kids' faces and know that I have a responsibility to train them up in the Lord.  With all humbleness, I believe this is possible through a multitude of schooling options, so I am not writing this article to say that school at home is the only way.  I just know this is a clear calling for our family right now.   If homeschooling is something you want to do, or are considering, then it is possible.   I can tell you that it will be hard and there will be some suffering involved, but God will give you what you need........this I know.  


  1. We actually don't do school in our pj's, although I am sure this would be fun. We prefer to get up and get dressed before we begin our day :):).

  2. totally agree with you on this! certainly not always easy but it's been such a joy watching them learn so much! so funny that you put her handwriting is usually neater, i was thinking it looked so great! guess i'm used to reading a little boys. :)

  3. That is good to know, Amber......guess I shouldn't have even commented on it. :):). Hahaha...........I am a little crazy sometimes. :):)

  4. We do homeschool in our dining room too and I'm struggling with what to do about storage space. I like how you use the hutch...I might be copying that idea. :) It's a dream of mine to one day build a one-room schoolhouse in the backyard!

  5. love the Jesus storybook bible! it's such a good one!

  6. I loved reading the Sarah. As you know we have some possibilities for a change next year for schooling. This (and your msg I will reply to as well!) has be intrigued. :-) I have some creative writing ideas I used a lot with my 1st graders when I was teaching. I'll message you about that, too!

  7. I enjoyed reading your post on what schooling has looked like for you. We pray each year about where God wants our kids.....it's always a heavy burden for me in the spring....but I know each year He has guided our decision. Trying to rest in that as we pray again for next year and consider if school or "school at home" is the route for 2011.
